Saturday, August 13, 2011


We are mid cycle right now, and the almost daily 6am doctor appointments are beginning to suck my will to live. Pete's been giving me my shots for about a week, something he really hates to do. I can see the pain in his eyes with each shot, but he does a great job. It doesn't hurt that badly, only when the medicine goes in..something like a tetanus shot in the stomach. The only thing that hurts is when the follicles begin to grow. Each morning I get blood work done, as well as an ultrasound to monitor my progress and to ensure that my ovaries are not in jeopardy. So far, my follices are not maturing at all, but my cysts are growing rapidly.

Yesterday when I had my ultrasound the doctor was so insensitive, he hardly made it out of the room before I cried. He started the ultrasound, spouted all his assessments to the nurse, and walked out. Now, since we've been doing this for almost a year now, I can pretty much do my own ultrasounds and it was clear that the medicine is not least not the way it should be. After a week of my shots, there is only one 12mm follicle to be found. I know it's not his job to coddle me, but even speaking directly to me at least once would have made it a nicer interaction! He came in, did his job, and left. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like that's not the way it should be. I really don't like this office, but what choice do I have at this point?

When we went to the other doctor last week, they were so nice. They chatted with us, got to know us as a couple, and even took our picture so they could put a face to the name when we spoke on the phone in the future. It was a small office and you really just felt at home. The office we are working with now is cold and I always feel like cattle being pushed from one room to another moments after the last woman has left. It's not necessarily bad, but I just feel like this is a very personal, uncomfortable, and sensitive topic...a little personal contact would go a long way. In the 10 months we've been working with them, I've never had the same doctor more than 2 days in a row. They are different every morning. How do you build trust in someone that you never see? It's definitely not ideal, but again, they seem to know what they are doing..and it's covered by our insurance for the most part. I shouldn't complain. We're lucky to have them...I have to remind myself of that often.

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