I went in again this morning for an ultrasound and blood work..and we're all set! My hormones are great and we're ready for our retrieval....tomorrow! AHH I can hardly believe it. I'm so excited I can't sit still and so nervous I want to throw up.
During my appointment yesterday, the nurse marked my butt where I would need to take my trigger shot...to get my eggs ready to ovulate and be taken out. I went the whole day dreading it. This was the one I knew was coming...the butt shot. DUN DUN DUN!
Pete did a great job. We were a little aggressive with mixing the medication which cause it to foam up. I was really afraid we ruined it, but the on-call pharmacist said we just had to wait a bit and it would be ok. Though before she called us back, I have to admit that I may have thrown a candlestick in the same manner that "Batman would throw a getaway grenade" as my husband lovingly pointed it. haha It broke, but that was the only casualty of the night, so we'll call it a success. Once we iced the "X" I hardly felt the needle. I just had to walk around for a while, as the nurse mentioned, it turned into a charlie horse...in my butt! Who knew?! hehe
But it's all over now, and honestly wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Now comes the hard part, the egg retrieval. I'm just praying for a lot of eggs!! One step at a time, right?
*sigh of relief*
We're almost there.