Thursday, September 22, 2011

And it begins...

Ok friends, it's go time! I went in for blood work and an ultrasound and the doctor said my hormones are right where they need to be so we can start our stimulating cycle. I didn't expect to be starting for another week or two so that was a bit of a shock, but honestly, the sooner, the better, right? 

Now I am only taking 5 units of Lupron and 1ml of a nice little cocktail I get to mix myself. (Too bad I can't mix a real one to go with it!) In my shopping bag full of goodies, I have about a bazillion of these little vials filled with powder and sodium chloride.

I have to mix all four powders together using this little cup that goes on the end of the's super scary actually. I'm petrified that I'm going to do it wrong...I actually called my on-call pharmacist (kind of weird that I have one of those) and had her walk me through it to ease my mind. I finally got it all mixed, knocked out all the air bubbles and Pete administered the injection. OH.MY.GOSH was it uncomfortable! Not pain, just super pressure. Like someone blowing up a balloon inside my body. Once I put some ice on it for a few minutes it didn't hurt anymore, but whoa baby...didn't love it. 

So I have to take these three meds for the next three days and then I go in for blood work and an ultrasound to see if any follicles are growing. 

I'm so nervous I could throw up. This has to work. It just has to. 

I'm trying to stay in the moment, so right now I am just praying for follicles. Lots and lots of follicles. But not too many...or else they'll cancel my cycle. So just enough follicles. 

One step at a time. 


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