Monday, September 26, 2011

Don't stop believing...

So we're in the thick of this crazy stomach can prove it! Good thing I don't ever wear a bikini! hehe But seriously, my stomach looks super gross. Not to mention the crook of my arms. I'm a mess. Thankfully it's getting cold now and I can wear long sleeves. It was a long summer! It's so embarrassing sometimes.

On Wednesday I went for blood work and an ultrasound. On my right side there were several follicles that were growing, about 8 or so. On my left, only two smallish ones. It was a good start, the doctor seemed pleased. When they called me in the afternoon with my results, my estrogen level was too high so they decreased my medication and said they need to watch me closely from here on out or until it goes down. Now I have to go every morning for monitoring to ensure that my ovaries are safe and my hormones don't go wild.

Since then, my follicles have grown quite a bit. I've got about a dozen or more on the right and 6-7 on the left. We are definitely in good shape, though they still want me to continue to come in each morning at 6am to watch my estrogen levels and follicle growth. It's important that this process happen slowly, so they just want to be sure that they are in control at all times. It makes me feel very secure to know that so many people are monitoring my status and would rather play it safe than make risky choices. The other nice thing about being in this study is that I have access to ANY medication they need to use at no extra cost to me. So if I need to switch, no problem! Just good to know.

One of the doctors thinks I may be ready as early as Thursday, which is much sooner than I expected, but that's a good thing. That would mean a transfer on Sunday so I can have the day to rest and try to "cook a baby."   :) 

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