Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him." Jeremiah 17:7

I'm so nervous I can hardly stand it! Tomorrow's the day. Or at least it could be, it all depends on our embryo development. If they are ready, it will be tomorrow afternoon. If they need a little more time, it will be Thursday morning. Either way, really soon! 

After my retrieval, the nurse gave me a sheet encouraging me to get 10 minutes of laser acupuncture before and after my transfer. It's not covered by insurance, and kind of expensive, especially since I'm not really working right now. I'm waiting to hear from the doctor to get more information, mainly how much it increases chances, on average. The only thing is, if I don't do it and the transfer fails, I will be upset that I didn't do everything I could. So basically I guess I don't need to wait to talk to the doctor, apparently I've already decided. haha

Ahhh I can hardly believe we're doing this...though my ovaries are a constant (huge) reminder. As a matter of fact, they are so large right now, I have to pee three times a night because they're pushing on my bladder. After grumbling about this to Pete, he so kindly reminded me that if I get pregnant, that's not going to stop for a while. haha Thanks, dear. 

So do me a favor for the next few days, send up a prayer, cross your fingers (and toes?), and think positive thoughts for my uterus! :)

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