Saturday, October 1, 2011

Great is Thy Faithfulness!

I spent most of the day and night on the couch and I am still very sore, though it doesn't feel like the same type of pain as yesterday. I started three new medications, two pills and one tablet that is administered with something similar to a tampon applicator. Joy. All of these cause extreme nausea, but as long as I don't move a muscle, it's pretty ok ;-)  

Hey, at least it's not a shot in the butt, right??

Peter has been beyond wonderful, making all the meals and bringing me Gatorade (which I hate but have to drink). He is so sweet and a wonderful nurse, I am very lucky! We woke up early this morning, mostly because I am so uncomfortable I couldn't lay fat anymore. The nurse was supposed to call me with the results of our fertilization, so I decided that when she did, I would ask if it was normal to be this uncomfortable 24 hours later.

Just as I turned on my phone this morning, she called! She started by asking me how I was feeling, and I told her about my experience so far. She said that I am at a very high risk for hyper-stimulation and I need to track my symptoms. She gave me a list of things to watch for, but said she didn't like that I was feeling so uncomfortable hours after the procedure so she may want me to come in to be examined tomorrow morning.We'll see how it goes today.

She said of my 17 eggs, 16 of them were mature, which is completely awesome and unexpected. AND of those 16, 14 of them were fertilized!!

AHHHHH!! We have 14 embryos!! Now I don't know how many will last and be viable for implantation, and won't for a few days, but it's an awesome start!! I'm in complete awe of this blessing. I never imagined we would get so many. Once they are graded, I am hoping for 6-8 to be viable (and able to be frozen), giving us a good chance at 2-4 children in the future and not leaving much room for difficult decisions for what to do with the unused embryos.

 "Great is Thy faithfulness!
  Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
    "Great is Thy faithfulness," Lord, unto me!

Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!"

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