Saturday, October 1, 2011

I Dream of Recipes

I had my egg retrieval this morning...and it wasn't like anything I was expecting!! We needed to be there at 8am for my 9:30 retrieval, but we got there super early just so that I could be calm. We sat in the main waiting room for a while, then they brought me to the recovery room to explain what was going to happen. I got dressed in my pretty little gowns, complete with a hair net and blue booties! Woot woot!

Then they hooked up my IV and started pumping me with fluids since I wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything for 12 hours before and was dehydrated. The nurses that took care of me were SO friendly and caring, it really made the best of an uncomfortable situation. The anesthesiologist came in to check on me a few times, he was super nice too. He held my hand (and IV baggage) and guided me in to the room across the hall.  I wasn't allowed to wear contacts so it was a little scary walking into the operating room filled with people looking at me and crazy machines all around. He got me up on the table and the nurse started to strap my legs down in these weird fuzzy tubes. Then they strapped my arms down loosely and started the IV anesthesia. I don't like when I don't have control of my body, and not being able to see didn't my heart rate started to rise. The anesthesiologist noticed and gave me some oxygen and rubbed my head, saying that I was doing just fine. Everything I was feeling was normal. What a sweet man. I wish I had been in my right mind when it was all over, I would have hugged him! As the wave of sleep washed over me, I silently cried out to the Lord to guide the doctors and bless us with a bunch of eggs.

And (what felt like) moments later, I woke up with Peter holding my hand in the recovery room. There was a nurse checking my vitals and asking me how I felt. I was sore and really sleepy. She said when I was ready, she was going to bring me some juice and crackers to bring my blood sugar back up, but to rest of the time being. Apparently, when they first took off my oxygen mask, I told the doctors (all three of them, plus a nurse) that I was dreaming about recipes. HA!

We spent the next hour and a half in recovery, waiting for me to be able to walk and eat on my own. I kept losing chunks of time, which was really strange. Pete said I would be talking and all the sudden stop, then seconds later say "I'm sorry, how long was I sleeping?" haha I felt like I had taken a nap, but in reality, it had only been seconds...and my eyes were open the whole time. He got a kick out of it :)

The nurse checked on me at some point, bringing me my snack and some Tylenol. (The woman next to me got codeine...lucky!) The next time she came in to see how I was doing, she brought a green piece of paper with a number on it. She started by saying that they expect 6-12 eggs when they go in for an retrieval and then turned the paper toward me. I couldn't see what it was, because I didn't have my contacts in, so she brought it closer.

They extracted 17 eggs.


I cried. I couldn't believe it. Even the nurse said it was unusually high and that I did very well. I rested a while longer and once they gave me my instructions for the next week and I was able to walk to the bathroom on my own, they let me go home.

Now we just have to wait to hear how many of the eggs were mature and were able to be fertilized!

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. 
                                                                                                                        - Psalm 107:1

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