Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Coming into the home stretch

So today marks 11 dpiui. Only 4 more days until the Big Test. I'm feeling good, nervous, but good. I haven't had any cramping, spotting, or anything yet. I'm hoping to keep it that way because that's how each other cycle has started over the last 7 months. Usually I'm going crazy by this time, but thankfully hubby and I are moving tomorrow so I have a lot of other things to think about!

Ok, so this is going to sound super selfish, but like I've said before, this is my "safe place" and I am going to be honest. The last few months have been absolutely chock full of pregnancy/birth announcements. More than I've ever seen before. Just yesterday, two babies were born and one pregnancy was announced. In one day! As happy as I am for these new moms, and I truly am happy for them, it just breaks my heart each time. I keep telling myself I need to get off Facebook for a few months, but can never bring myself to do it. I want to know when these events happen, I cannot hide from life, as appealing as that may sound right now.

I'm trying to remain focused on feeling positive, praying hard, and getting myself through the next four days. I know it will happen when it is my time, I just hope that's soon. I don't know how many more cycles my heart (not to mention my body) can take.

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