Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Oh the highs and lows

I find all these intense highs and lows to be exhausting. Perhaps it's all the medications I'm on, but I just cannot manage my emotions. Like at all. I'm completely out of control some days. I think the hardest part is that most people don't know about what we are doing, so I just look like a crazy person. I try to hold myself together, and I think I do a good job most days...but I have my moments.

Today, however, was a good day. :-) After waiting ALL day for the results of my blood work, the nurse finally called to tell me that the cyst is not producing enough hormones to be an issue, so we are going to press on and start the injectables. So that's good news! We will start the shots tonight, though I am super nervous about it. I am pretty sure Pete's going to have to do it. I lucked out though...I only need to take one shot, once a day, and only for four days. Pretty sweet compared to what I thought it was going to be. AND as I was looking at the medicine bottles, I realized that if I respond well to this dosage and we are still not successful this cycle, I have enough medicine for THREE cycles! How awesome is that?! I won't have to worry about the insurance company turning us down any time soon.

Good day. Good day. Thanks for sharing in this adventure with us :-)

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