Sunday, June 26, 2011

Waitin' on the world to change

Well we're 7 dpiui and already I'm going crazy wondering if it worked! This is usually the time it begins to weigh on me, though. The first week goes by quickly, but the second is excruciating. I had my IUIs on Saturday and Sunday, the 18th and 19th and they both went really well. My hormone levels were where they should be, I had 7 mature follicles, and no issues with the catheter. Awesome.

I spent afternoon at my cousin's baby shower and my MIL's 50th birthday party, which was nice because I didn't have time to think about the procedure at all. It was nice to be surrounded by both of our families, even if only a few people know what we are going through. After Sunday's treatment, Pete began painting the house for our move next week. I was instructed (by him) to spend the day on the couch since we'd had a crazy weekend so far. So, as directed by my handsome hubs, I spent a leisurely day reading, watching chick flix, and trying to "cook a baby" as we say. hehe

On Tuesday, I developed a dull pain in my abdomen. By Wednesday night I couldn't stand up straight for long periods of time. Since then it has come and gone, but hasn't really gotten any worse. I'm not sure what it is, but if it continues, I'm going to have to go have an ultrasound to make sure it's not my ovaries enlarging too much. According to the Follistim's website, I would also likely have nausea, dizziness, and gain weight if my ovaries have been hyperstimulated...and so far, it's just the pain. If by Monday I'm not feeling better, I will probably call the RE (reproductive endocrinologist) to make sure everything's ok.

For now, I feel pretty good and I'm hoping for the best....really hoping for the best. 

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