Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Someone hum the Jepardy theme song please...I can't take the waiting!

Sometimes I hate going to these appointments alone. I really do. Unfortunately, most of them are scheduled for after Peter's already at work and they can take 4 hours on some days. Thank goodness my job is flexible, or there would be absolutely no way we could do this. Most days it's not a problem to go alone, the visits are usually uneventful. Just check ups. But then there are mornings like today. The ones that knock me on my butt and instantly bring tears to my eyes. After waiting and hour and a half, they finally had a room for me. I got my blood work done and waited some more for my ultrasound to see if my body has come down off the medicine and is ready to start again. I never really know what to expect from these appointments. But I'm always nervous. During what they call the "Morning monitoring" hours, there is a different doctor every day. This guy was nice, he's one of my favorites. He is one of the only doctors that takes the time to answer questions and make sure I'm ok before he leaves. I really appreciate that, especially when I'm alone there. He started the ultrasound and noticed a large mass on my left ovary. And by large, I mean you could hardly see the ovary at all. I immediately knew something was off because I hadn't seen anything like that on the screen before. He turned on the lights and slowly explained that there is a large cyst, but we really have to wait for my blood work to see what that means. He basically said that depending on my estrogen level, we will either need to stop treatments and wait for a few months, or it will just be a residual follicle from last cycle and we can continue as planned. UGH. I was so upset at the thought of having to wait longer to start this medicine that has me up at night worrying. I just want to start it and get it over with. It's hard to go to work after that, just a lovely way to start a day. Don't you think? Well, an iced latte and bowl of fruit salad later, I am feeling better. But now I have to wait for the call. That's always the worst part: The waiting.

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