Wednesday, July 6, 2011

And the fun continues

I went for my Day 3 ultrasound this morning and it revealed 4 large cysts, 2 on each of my ovaries. By large, I mean when the doctor tried to find my left ovary, a quarter of the screen appeared to go blank..but it was actually just one of the cysts. Not great. He basically said they would review my blood work, but there's really no way we can continue until it goes away. If we try another cycle right now, there's a solid chance of ovarian torsion, which can essentially kill my ovary.

I'm really frustrated because I quit my job to give us a better shot at this and now by the time we can start again...I'll be working. Not only is my stress level low, but I have oodles of time..what better month is there to feel so crappy all the time?! UGH

So we wait.


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